Source code for ftpsync.targets

(c) 2012-2024 Martin Wendt; see
Licensed under the MIT license:

import codecs
import contextlib
import io
import os
import shutil
import sys
import threading
from posixpath import join as join_url
from posixpath import normpath as normpath_url
from urllib.parse import unquote, urlparse

from ftpsync.metadata import DirMetadata
from ftpsync.resources import DirectoryEntry, FileEntry
from ftpsync.util import is_native, to_bytes, to_native, to_unicode, write

# ===============================================================================
# make_target
# ===============================================================================
[docs] def make_target(url, extra_opts=None): """Factory that creates `_Target` objects from URLs. FTP targets must begin with the scheme ``ftp://``, ``ftps://`` for TLS, or ``sftp://`` for SFTP. Args: url (str): extra_opts (dict, optional): Passed to Target constructor. Default: None. Returns: :class:`_Target` """ # debug = extra_opts.get("debug", 1) parts = urlparse(url, allow_fragments=False) password = unquote(parts.password) if parts.password else None # scheme is case-insensitive according to scheme = parts.scheme.lower() if scheme in ("ftp", "ftps"): from ftpsync.ftp_target import FTPTarget target = FTPTarget( parts.path, parts.hostname, parts.port, username=parts.username, password=password, tls=(scheme == "ftps"), timeout=None, extra_opts=extra_opts, ) elif scheme == "sftp": from ftpsync.sftp_target import SFTPTarget target = SFTPTarget( parts.path, parts.hostname, parts.port, username=parts.username, password=password, timeout=None, extra_opts=extra_opts, ) else: target = FsTarget(url, extra_opts) return target
[docs] def _get_encoding_opt(synchronizer, extra_opts, default): """Helper to figure out encoding setting inside constructors.""" encoding = default # if synchronizer and "encoding" in synchronizer.options: # encoding = synchronizer.options.get("encoding") if extra_opts and "encoding" in extra_opts: encoding = extra_opts.get("encoding") if encoding: # Normalize name (e.g. 'UTF8' => 'utf-8') encoding = codecs.lookup(encoding).name # print("_get_encoding_opt", encoding) return encoding or None
# =============================================================================== # _Target # ===============================================================================
[docs] class _Target: """Base class for :class:`FsTarget`, :class:`FTPTarget`, etc.""" DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE = 16 * 1024 # shutil.copyobj() uses 16k blocks by default def __init__(self, root_dir, extra_opts): # All internal paths should use unicode. # (We cannot convert here, since we don't know the target encoding.) assert is_native(root_dir) if root_dir != "/": root_dir = root_dir.rstrip("/") # This target is not thread safe self._rlock = threading.RLock() #: The target's top-level folder self.root_dir = root_dir self.extra_opts = extra_opts or {} self.readonly = False self.dry_run = False = None #: Set by BaseSynchronizer.__init__(). May be None for tree command, etc. self.synchronizer = None self.peer = None self.cur_dir = None self.connected = False self.save_mode = True self.case_sensitive = None # TODO: don't know yet #: Time difference between <local upload time> and the mtime that the server reports afterwards. #: The value is added to the 'u' time stored in meta data. #: (This is only a rough estimation, derived from the lock-file.) self.server_time_ofs = None #: Maximum allowed difference between a reported mtime and the last known update time, #: before we classify the entry as 'modified externally' self.mtime_compare_eps = FileEntry.EPS_TIME self.cur_dir_meta = DirMetadata(self) self.meta_stack = [] # Optionally define an encoding for this target, but don't override # derived class's setting if not hasattr(self, "encoding"): #: Assumed encoding for this target. Used to decode binary paths. self.encoding = _get_encoding_opt(None, extra_opts, None) return def __del__(self): # TODO: if self.connected: self.close() # def __enter__(self): # # return self # def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): # self.close()
[docs] def get_base_name(self): return f"{self.root_dir}"
[docs] def is_local(self): if not self.synchronizer: raise RuntimeError( "Unbound target: Consider calling target.is_remote(or_unbound=True)" ) return self.synchronizer.local is self
[docs] def is_remote(self, or_unbound=False): if or_unbound and not self.synchronizer: return True return not self.is_local()
[docs] def is_unbound(self): return self.synchronizer is None
[docs] def get_options_dict(self): """Return options from synchronizer (possibly overridden by own extra_opts).""" d = self.synchronizer.options if self.synchronizer else {} d.update(self.extra_opts) return d
[docs] def get_option(self, key, default=None): """Return option from synchronizer (possibly overridden by target extra_opts).""" if self.synchronizer: return self.extra_opts.get(key, self.synchronizer.options.get(key, default)) return self.extra_opts.get(key, default)
[docs] def open(self): if self.connected: raise RuntimeError(f"Target already open: {self}. ") # Not thread safe (issue #20) if not self._rlock.acquire(False): raise RuntimeError("Could not acquire _Target lock on open") self.connected = True
[docs] def close(self): if not self.connected: return if self.get_option("verbose", 3) >= 5: write(f"Closing target {self}.") self.connected = False self.readonly = False # issue #20 self._rlock.release()
[docs] def check_write(self, name): """Raise exception if writing cur_dir/name is not allowed.""" assert is_native(name) if self.readonly and name not in ( DirMetadata.META_FILE_NAME, DirMetadata.LOCK_FILE_NAME, ): raise RuntimeError(f"Target is read-only: {self} + {name} / ")
[docs] def get_id(self): return self.root_dir
[docs] def get_sync_info(self, name, key=None): """Get mtime/size when this target's current dir was last synchronized with remote.""" peer_target = self.peer if self.is_local(): info = self.cur_dir_meta.dir["peer_sync"].get(peer_target.get_id()) else: info = peer_target.cur_dir_meta.dir["peer_sync"].get(self.get_id()) if name is not None: info = info.get(name) if info else None if info and key: info = info.get(key) return info
[docs] def cwd(self, dir_name): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def enter_subdir(self, name): """Temporarily changes the working directory to `name`. Examples: with target.enter_subdir(folder): ... """ self.cwd(name) yield self.cwd("..")
[docs] def push_meta(self): self.meta_stack.append(self.cur_dir_meta) self.cur_dir_meta = None
[docs] def pop_meta(self): self.cur_dir_meta = self.meta_stack.pop()
[docs] def flush_meta(self): """Write additional meta information for current directory.""" if self.cur_dir_meta: self.cur_dir_meta.flush()
[docs] def pwd(self, dir_name): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def mkdir(self, dir_name): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def rmdir(self, dir_name): """Remove cur_dir/name.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_dir(self): """Return a list of _Resource entries.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def walk(self, pred=None, recursive=True): """Iterate over all target entries recursively. Args: pred (function, optional): Callback(:class:`ftpsync.resources._Resource`) should return `False` to ignore entry. Default: `None`. recursive (bool, optional): Pass `False` to generate top level entries only. Default: `True`. Yields: :class:`ftpsync.resources._Resource` """ for entry in self.get_dir(): if pred and pred(entry) is False: continue yield entry if recursive: if isinstance(entry, DirectoryEntry): self.cwd( yield from self.walk(pred) self.cwd("..") return
[docs] def walk_tree(self, sort=True, files=False, pred=None, _prefixes=None): """Iterate over target hierarchy, depth-first, adding a connector prefix. This iterator walks the tree nodes, but slightly delays the output, in order to add information if a node is the *last* sibling. This information is then used to create pretty tree connector prefixes. Args: sort (bool): files (bool): pred (function, optional): Callback(:class:`ftpsync.resources._Resource`) should return `False` to ignore entry. Default: `None`. Yields: 3-tuple ( :class:`ftpsync.resources._Resource`, is_last_sibling, prefix, ) A +- a | +- 1 | | `- 1.1 | `- 2 | `- 2.1 `- b +- 1 | `- 1.1 ` 2 """ # List of parent's `is_last` flags: if _prefixes is None: _prefixes = [] def _yield_entry(entry, is_last): path = "".join([" " if last else " | " for last in _prefixes]) path += " `- " if is_last else " +- " yield path, entry if entry.is_dir(): with self.enter_subdir( _prefixes.append(is_last) yield from self.walk_tree(sort, files, pred, _prefixes) _prefixes.pop() return dir_list = self.get_dir() if not files: dir_list = [entry for entry in dir_list if entry.is_dir()] if sort: # Sort by name, files first dir_list.sort(key=lambda entry: (entry.is_dir(), prev_entry = None for next_entry in dir_list: if pred and pred(next_entry) is False: continue # Skip first entry if prev_entry is None: prev_entry = next_entry continue # Yield entry (this is never the last sibling) yield from _yield_entry(prev_entry, False) prev_entry = next_entry # Finally yield the last sibling if prev_entry: yield from _yield_entry(prev_entry, True) return
[docs] def open_readable(self, name): """Return file-like object opened in binary mode for cur_dir/name.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def open_writable(self, name): """Return file-like object opened in binary mode for cur_dir/name.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def read_text(self, name): """Read text string from cur_dir/name using open_readable().""" with self.open_readable(name) as fp: res = # StringIO or file object # try: # res = fp.getvalue() # StringIO returned by FTPTarget # except AttributeError: # res = # file object returned by FsTarget res = res.decode("utf-8") return res
[docs] def copy_to_file(self, name, fp_dest, callback=None): """Write cur_dir/name to file-like `fp_dest`. Args: name (str): file name, located in self.curdir fp_dest (file-like): must support write() method callback (function, optional): Called like `func(buf)` for every written chunk """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def write_file(self, name, fp_src, blocksize=DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE, callback=None): """Write binary data from file-like to cur_dir/name.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def write_text(self, name, s): """Write string data to cur_dir/name using write_file().""" buf = io.BytesIO(to_bytes(s)) self.write_file(name, buf)
[docs] def remove_file(self, name): """Remove cur_dir/name.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_mtime(self, name, mtime, size): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_sync_info(self, name, mtime, size): """Store mtime/size when this resource was last synchronized with remote.""" if not self.is_local(): return self.peer.set_sync_info(name, mtime, size) return self.cur_dir_meta.set_sync_info(name, mtime, size)
[docs] def remove_sync_info(self, name): if not self.is_local(): return self.peer.remove_sync_info(name) if self.cur_dir_meta: return self.cur_dir_meta.remove(name) # write("%s.remove_sync_info(%s): nothing to do" % (self, name)) return
# =============================================================================== # FsTarget # ===============================================================================
[docs] class FsTarget(_Target): DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE = 16 * 1024 # shutil.copyobj() uses 16k blocks by default def __init__(self, root_dir, extra_opts=None): def_enc = sys.getfilesystemencoding() if not def_enc: def_enc = "utf-8" self.encoding = _get_encoding_opt(None, extra_opts, def_enc) # root_dir = self.to_unicode(root_dir) root_dir = os.path.expanduser(root_dir) root_dir = os.path.abspath(root_dir) super().__init__(root_dir, extra_opts) if not os.path.isdir(root_dir): raise ValueError(f"{root_dir} is not a directory.") self.support_set_time = True def __str__(self): return "<FS:{} + {}>".format( self.root_dir, os.path.relpath(self.cur_dir, self.root_dir) )
[docs] def open(self): super().open() self.cur_dir = self.root_dir
[docs] def close(self): super().close()
[docs] def cwd(self, dir_name): path = normpath_url(join_url(self.cur_dir, dir_name)) if not path.startswith(self.root_dir): raise RuntimeError( f"Tried to navigate outside root {self.root_dir!r}: {path!r}" ) self.cur_dir_meta = None self.cur_dir = path return self.cur_dir
[docs] def pwd(self): return self.cur_dir
[docs] def mkdir(self, dir_name): self.check_write(dir_name) path = normpath_url(join_url(self.cur_dir, dir_name)) os.mkdir(path)
[docs] def rmdir(self, dir_name): """Remove cur_dir/name.""" self.check_write(dir_name) path = normpath_url(join_url(self.cur_dir, dir_name)) # write("REMOVE %r" % path) shutil.rmtree(path)
[docs] def flush_meta(self): """Write additional meta information for current directory.""" if self.cur_dir_meta: self.cur_dir_meta.flush()
[docs] def get_dir(self): res = [] # self.cur_dir_meta = None self.cur_dir_meta = DirMetadata(self) # List directory. Pass in unicode on Py2, so we get unicode in return unicode_cur_dir = to_unicode(self.cur_dir) for name in os.listdir(unicode_cur_dir): name = to_native(name) path = os.path.join(self.cur_dir, name) stat = os.lstat(path) # write(name) # write(" mt : %s" % stat.st_mtime) # write(" lc : %s" % (time.localtime(stat.st_mtime),)) # write(" : %s" % time.asctime(time.localtime(stat.st_mtime))) # write(" gmt: %s" % (time.gmtime(stat.st_mtime),)) # write(" : %s" % time.asctime(time.gmtime(stat.st_mtime))) # utc_stamp = st_mtime_to_utc(stat.st_mtime) # write(" utc: %s" % utc_stamp) # write(" diff: %s" % ((utc_stamp - stat.st_mtime) / (60*60))) # stat.st_mtime is returned as UTC mtime = stat.st_mtime if os.path.isdir(path): res.append( DirectoryEntry( self, self.cur_dir, name, stat.st_size, mtime, str(stat.st_ino) ) ) elif os.path.isfile(path): if name == DirMetadata.META_FILE_NAME: # elif not name in (DirMetadata.DEBUG_META_FILE_NAME, ): else: res.append( FileEntry( self, self.cur_dir, name, stat.st_size, mtime, str(stat.st_ino), ) ) return res
[docs] def open_readable(self, name): fp = open(os.path.join(self.cur_dir, name), "rb") # print("open_readable({})".format(name)) return fp
[docs] def open_writable(self, name): fp = open(os.path.join(self.cur_dir, name), "wb") # print("open_readable({})".format(name)) return fp
[docs] def write_file(self, name, fp_src, blocksize=DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE, callback=None): self.check_write(name) with open(os.path.join(self.cur_dir, name), "wb") as fp_dst: while True: data = # print("write_file({})".format(name), len(data)) if data is None or not len(data): break fp_dst.write(data) if callback: callback(data) return
[docs] def remove_file(self, name): """Remove cur_dir/name.""" self.check_write(name) path = os.path.join(self.cur_dir, name) os.remove(path)
[docs] def set_mtime(self, name, mtime, size): """Set modification time on file.""" self.check_write(name) os.utime(os.path.join(self.cur_dir, name), (-1, mtime))